藝術家・平山昌尚與以岡山為據點的陶瓷品牌<SHOKKI>合作推出獨立刊物「MY FIRST CERAMIC」正式登場。■平山昌尚(HIMAA)
1976年出生於神戶。 以東京為據點,活躍於繪圖、插畫、表演等領域。
■HIMAA(Masanao Hirayama)
Born in Kobe in 1976.
HIMAA is based in Tokyo and works in fields such as painting, drawing and performance. An artist who has attracted attention both domestic and foreign with his unique style and sense of humor like graffiti. HIMAA is active in a wide range of fields, including solo and group exhibitions, publishing zines and participating in book fairs.